Parlor Chats

Honoring Women's History Month

Saturdays March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 5th    11 am

DeLand House Museum

Call 386-740-6813 for reservations

Admission $5.  Free for WVHS members

Blanche Elizabeth (Betty) Dreka

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Betty Dreka was born in 1914. She was the granddaughter of one of DeLand's earliest settlers, George Dreka, who established a thriving mercantile business in DeLand that equipped a growing West Volusia with all manner of goods. Dreka stores served the community for 100 years, and Betty grew up spending much time at the Dreka Department store visiting her father who joined the family business. After the department store was sold in the 1930's, Betty's father founded Betty Dreka's Fine Women's Apparel Shop, named for Betty who was known for her fashion sense (including her red fingernails and green eyeshadow). Betty's commitment was to ensure that DeLand's ladies were well-dressed, and her advice was sought for planning weddings and special family events. Even after the store was sold, Betty continued to work there until her death in 1986.  Photo: Dreggors Collection of West Volusia Historical Society Archives.

Betty Dreka will be portrayed by Nicki Junkins of West Volusia Historical Society DeLand House Players

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mary Ann Thursby and Louis Peace Thursby

Mary Ann Thursby and Louis P. Thursby were blue Spring's first permanent settlers. Louis, his wife Mary Ann and infant daughter Mary Alice arrived from Brooklyn, New Yori in 1856 by steamboat from Jacksonville, and purchased 133 acres and a 3-room log cabin for $400. Southwest of the house was a large grove of wild orange trees. Photo: Dreggors Collection of West Volusia Historical Society Archives.

Mary Ann Thursby will be portrayed by Cheryl Floyd; Louis will be portrayed by Stanton O'Neal, both of West Volusia Historical Society DeLand House Players

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Elizabeth Stetson and Pricilla governess to the children

Elizabeth Stetson and Pricilla will take you back to the late 1800's to a time of adventure in the form of trains and wagons, alligators and peacocks and electricity and elegance. When young Elizabeth embarked on her life with business magnate, hat maker and millionaire John B. Stetson, her life turned into the stuff dreams were made of. These two women, brought together through their dedication to creating a life of education, culture and civic duty for three young boys (John Jr., Benjamin and Henry) will entertain you with stories of life in the wilderness of Central Florida. Photo: Dreggors Collection of West Volusia Historical Society Archives.

Elizabeth Stetson will be portrayed by Sally Daykin; Pricilla will be portrayed by Kelly Fagan, both of West Volusia Historical Society DeLand House Players

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Louise Foote Bond

Louise Foote Bond was the wife of Robert Bond, who, along with his older brother Frank, established the Bond Sandstone Brick Company in Lake Helen, Florida. She and her husband built a beautiful Arts and Crafts mansion on West New York Avenue, where St. Peter's Catholic Church is now located. Come hear stories of her family, her husband's business, their home and life in DeLand in the early 1900's. Photo: Dreggors Collection of West Volusia Historical Society Archives.

Louise Foote Bond will be portrayed by Caryn Long of West Volusia Historical Society DeLand House Players

Saturday, April 5, 2025

Jo Ann Lekawitch

Jo Ann Lekawitch was the first woman to make a skydive at the Falling Angels Parachute Club in DeLand, two years after it opened for the first time for skydiving in 1959. She was 17 years old and the youngest woman to jump in America. The reenactment will cover her life, her experiences as a skydiver, and the history of skydiving in DeLand, from its early beginnings to the Skydiving Capital of the World. Photo: Orlando Sentinel, July 16, 1961.

Jo Ann Lekawitch will be portrayed by Laine Berman of West Volusia Historical Society DeLand House Players