Household 1 year:   $50

Individual 1 year:    $35

Household 2 years:  $100 

Individual 2 years:    $70     

Lifetime:                 $1,000 

Choose your membership category in the drop-down list above. Pay via the "Buy Now" button to select your payment option. Please provide this information also on the Membership Form that you return to the Historical Society.

 Become a Member

Museum Booster:         $100

Museum Sustainer:      $250

Museum Benefactor:    $500

Select your level of Patron Membership support and pay via the PayPal using "Buy Now" button to select your payment option. Please provide this information also on the Membership Form that you return to the Historical Society.

Patron Membership

General Membership

Benefits of Patron Membership

Unlimited free admission to the DeLand House Museum, DeLand Memorial Hospital & Veterans Museum, and the Burgess Pavilion.

Access to the Conrad Educational & Research Center archives and research collections

15% discount on all purchases in the Gift Shop

Special member-only events and discounted admission for some selected premier events

Insider communications with the latest news and calendar of events.

Benefits of General Membership

All Patron Members receive all general membership benefits

Be listed in the Annual Report

Are invited to special Patrons-only events

Museum Booster Patron Members will receive 2 guest passes valid for choice of 1 DeLand House Tour or a regularly scheduled Walking Tour.

Museum Sustainer Patrons Members will receive 4 guest passes valid for choice of 1 DeLand House Tour or a regularly scheduled Walking Tour, 1 Complimentary Individual membership to gift, and will be listed in the Keeping Track eNewsletter as a Patron (updated quarterly).

Museum Sustainer Patrons Members will receive 6 guest passes valid for choice of 1 DeLand House Tour or a regularly scheduled Walking Tour, 1 Complimentary Household membership to gift, and will be listed in the Keeping Track eNewsletter and on our website as a Patron (updated quarterly).


 Please complete a Membership Profile with additional information and return   this short form (see link below for pdf document) to WVHS Conrad Center,   137 W. Michigan Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720

Click here to download the membership profile.

Patron Membership Options
General Membership Options

Automatic renewal with a credit card is now available for Individual and Household General Memberships. You will be charged each year on the 15th of your renewal month. An email address is required for the website online payment option. Call WVHS at 386-740-6813 or come by in person to our office at 137 W Michigan Avenue in DeLand. 

Automatic Annual Renewal

Your membership helps make it possible to "keep West Volusia history alive" by providing quality educational programming and special events and unique research and archival resources for our members and guest of the 14 communities we represent.

Thank you for your membership!