Our gift shop featuring a wide range of very popular historically-related books, prints and DVDs is located in the DeLand House Museum. Click here to view recently featured items - which represent only a small sample of items for sale.

Click the link below to browse the list of our interesting selections and watch for new items announced in our quarterly newsletter and on this site. The gift shop is open Tuesday through Saturday 12 noon to 4 pm. We also accept credit card payment by phone for pickup of items during the hours of operation.

Book Shop & Gift Boutique

Our Makers' Guild Gift Boutique featuring handcrafted items made by our own Makers' Guild in our Oranges, Skydiving, Nostalgia and Society collections is located in the Conrad Center. The Conrad Center is open Tuesday through Saturday 12 noon to 4 pm. 

​Better Country Beyond

WVHS Archivist Karen Ryder weaves often-told and long-buried accounts into an exciting adventure story of DeLand's formative years with suspenseful plot turns and quirky characters.​  $29.95

Featured Book

Featured Collections

Books, Prints and DVDs

Handcrafted Items

Oranges. Skydiving

aprons, tote bags, coaster sets, felted soaps, and earrings all with citrus inspired designs. Colorful scrunchies, monkeyfist keychains and paracord bracelets inspired by DeLand’s long skydiving history.